Our Team
Board of Directors
President - Kevin Provost
Vice President - Simone Germain
Secretary – Laurel Wolfe
Treasurer - Barbara Day
Member at Large - Melissa Parent
Sandra Polanik
Elizabeth Carroll
Helen Boyle
Malerie Germain
Lily Larcheveque
Jim O'Brien
Caitlin Tupper
Sandra Polanik
Arthur Furtado
Louise Pigott
Advisory Board
Julie Prohaska
Demetri Kasperson
In Loving Memory
Paying tribute to our most recent loss

Richard M. Harwood (1927 - 2021)

Richard "Dick" Harwood is our most recent late board member and his loss will be felt greatly. Dick Harwood served on the Quinebaug Valley Council for Arts and Humanities here at the Ruth Wells Center for the Arts for decades along side Maureen B. Prokos and contributed a vast knowledge of expertise to our house and grounds commitee. They both spent countless time and effort into keeping the Ruth Wells Center running smoothly since 1977.
Please visit his obituary page to lerarn more about his life, loving family, and dedication, accomplishments and contributions, toward QVCAH and the Town of Southbridge.